
Calahorra Tower (Torre de la Calahorra) Elche


Calahorra Tower Roof Battlements

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Calahorra Tower Elche Introduction

Calahorra Tower Garden Wall

Calahorra Tower (Torre de la Calahorra) Elche Introduction

  • Also called the CalaforraTower.
  • The Calahorra Tower guarded one side of the main gate into the city from Alicante a smaller tower was on the other side, no longer exists.
  • The main tooms to visit
    • Wine Cellar,
    • Ballroom which is very beautiful with Egyptian& Masonic motifs on the ceiling & walls. This room was used as a meeting place of theMasonic Lodge founded in Elche in 1878
    • Up the stairs on the first floor are the Bedrooms with several painting
    • The great views from the Roof is accessed via a spiral staircase you.
  • Although it looks an impresive tower it used to be 10m taller. It lost it's 2 upper floors in the earthquake of 1829.
  • Imitation battlements were added after that date to make what was left appear to be a forified tower and from street level look realistic. As can be seen from the roof photographs that show these battlements around 750 cm (roughly 2 feet) high, therefore they were for appearane only. Normally battlement are the full height of an adult, in order to provide full protection from attackers arrows or musket fire.

Calahorra Tower Garden Wall

  • It has a remarkable  garden exterior wall on the south side with seating for an outdoor cocktail bar, the Calahorra Garden restaurant bar. in the small Plaza Parc de la Calaforra

The creation of the Calahorra Tower Garden Wall

Casa Senorial Chapel

A Fascinating Video of the buildig & creation of the Garden Wall

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